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pussless three-hour tour

Published on Wednesday, Feb 26th 2025.

<i>Pussless’ Three-Hour Tour</i><br><i>(To the tune of Gilligan’s Island theme song)</i><br><b>? </b><i>Come gather round and hear the tale</i><br><i>Of a cat so bold and pure,</i><br><i>Who set out on a fishing boat</i><br><i>For a three-hour tour, a three-hour tour!</i><br><b>? </b><i>The sun was bright, the breeze was soft,</i><br><i>The sea was calm and still,</i><br><i>Till a sudden storm came roaring in</i><br><i>With a mighty thrill, a mighty thrill!</i><br><b>? </b><i>The tiny boat was tossed around,</i><br><i>And lost its way for sure!</i><br><i>Now Pussless and the crew were stuck</i><br><i>On an unknown shore, an unknown shore!</i><br><b>? (Chorus)</b><br><i>With Pussless the brave cat,</i><br><i>The fisherman too!</i><br><i>A parrot named Clyde,</i><br><i>And a dog named Blue!</i><br><i>They re stranded here forevermore—</i><br><i>On this distant shore!</i><br><b>? </b><i>Now Pussless leads the ragtag crew</i><br><i>With clever tricks and charm!</i><br><i>He climbs the tre</i>

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